The Ed Brown Senior Center at Rancho Bernardo, dba the Ed Brown Center for Active Adults, receives no tax dollars and relies solely on membership dues, fundraising activities, charitable grants, gifts and donations to finance its important services and programs in North County. We are committed to fostering a positive atmosphere for members and volunteers of all ages, because building a healthy community is not about ownership or getting credit, it’s about collaboration and results. It’s about uniting community members for the common good.
Won't you please help us? Your donation in any amount would be greatly appreciated.
Ed Brown Senior Center at Rancho Bernardo (dba Ed Brown Center for Active Adults) is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization with tax ID #93-0996904. Your gift is tax deductible to the extent allowed by law. Consult your tax advisor for details.
Our official name and address for use in a will, trust or beneficiary designation is:
Ed Brown Senior Center at Rancho Bernardo
18402 West Bernardo Drive
San Diego CA 92127
GIVING ONLINE to the Ed Brown Senior Center at Rancho Bernardo is a convenient, secure way to support dozens of vital community programs. Simply click on the DONATE button here:
On behalf of the hundreds of your neighbors, friends and families who will benefit from your gift, thank you in advance for making your tax deductible donation to the Ed Brown Senior Center at Rancho Bernardo.
Are you an Amazon shopper? Do you want to help ensure that Ed Brown Center has the funding it needs to stay afloat? Then Amazon has a deal that will keep you smiling!
AmazonSmile is a simple way for you to support EBC every time you shop, at no cost to you. Yep! The same products, same prices and same services as the Amazon you know. Click the link below, copy it into your web browser, or activate it in the Amazon Shopping app for iOS and Android phones. When you shop AmazonSmile, you’ll find the exact same low prices, vast selection and convenient shopping experience as, with the added benefit that AmazonSmile will donate 0.5% of your eligible purchases to the Ed Brown Senior Center at Rancho Bernardo!
In the mood to do a little shopping? Then click HERE.
Link to Amazon Smile:
The Major Gifts program provides ongoing and meaningful financial support, making a difference in the lives of neighbors, friends and family members in our community. There are six gift levels for individuals and organizations and you can make your contribution either quarterly or with a lump-sum payment.
Donor (Up to $50)
Friend ($51 to $250)
Sponsor ($251 to $1,000)
Innovator ($1,001 to $5,000)
Leader ($5,001 to $10,000)
Guardian ($10,001 to $25,000)
Follow in the footsteps of other community members who recognize the value of providing quality services that enhance life for so many. The Ed Brown Senior Center at Rancho Bernardo offers a monthly giving program that allows you to embark on a journey to do just that.
Your donation to this comprehensive program helps EBC provide a wide spectrum of projects and services that benefits the community. When we benefit one, we benefit all. Your monthly gift helps us to be even more efficient and effective because our administrative costs are reduced when you provide essential funds on a regular basis.
It’s sometimes difficult to make large charitable donations, yet someone of modest means can help by using our planned giving program. Planned giving gifts are set up to allow donors to provide gifts that might not otherwise be possible. Some planned gifts even provide surprising income and tax benefits to the donor.
Bequests through will or trust, beneficiary designations.
Legacy gifts take effect after we’ve passed from this world. They are often the most significant gifts we may ever make, reflecting our life’s values. Their importance to the work of the Ed Brown Senior Center at Rancho Bernardo cannot be overestimated. There are several legacy gifts that we hope you will consider:
• Will or Trust: Leave a bequest to EBC in your will or trust for a specific amount, a percentage of your estate, or whatever may remain after all other bequests are satisfied. When designating EBC, you should use our official title and address.
• Retirement Plan: Name EBC as beneficiary of some or all of your retirement account assets such as your IRA, 401(k), 403(b), Keogh, or other qualified plan.
• Insurance Policy/Annuity: Name EBC as first, second, or contingent beneficiary of a life insurance policy or annuity.
• Life Income Gift: Several varieties are available, including the Charitable Gift Annuity.
Whichever form of legacy gift you provide, it’s a sure way of helping your friends and family for years to come.
Gift annuities, charitable remainder trusts, pooled income fund.
Another attractive form of charitable giving is through “Life Income Gifts.” Whichever form you choose, this option will benefit both you and the extensive work EBC does to help our community. Key features of Life Income Gifts include:
• Cash, securities or real estate can be used to fund the gift instrument.
• Income (immediate or deferred) is generated for the donor.
• Donor receives an immediate charitable income tax deduction.
• Funding the gift with appreciated property offers tax benefits.
• Multiple charitable organizations can benefit from your gift.
Please ask about our Charitable Gift Annuity or Pooled Income Fund. We’ll provide you with a personalized summary of the income and tax benefits for either type of arrangement, or find some other program that works better for you.
Ask about Charitable Remainder Trusts – highly flexible arrangements that combine charitable giving with estate and retirement planning.
Stocks, bonds, mutual funds, closely-held stock.
If an investor has held an appreciated stock or mutual fund for more than one year, they can donate those securities to a charity and receive a tax deduction for the fair market value of the securities, thus eliminating any capital gains assessments on the future sale of the securities.
Real estate and personal tangible property.
Real estate is versatile, and can either be given outright or donated in ways that you maintain use for life. Use real estate to fund deferred gift annuities or charitable remainder trusts, avoiding capital gains taxes, providing you with immediate tax deductions, and sources of income…all as you make a significant, positive impact to EBSC’s work.
Artwork, antiques, jewelry, stamps, coins, political buttons, collections, cars, boats, planes…you name it, and the donation can help us do our work at the Ed Brown Center. You can sell the item and donate the proceeds to the Center. Or you can donate the item directly to the Center and we’ll handle the details. Either way, we appreciate your contribution and the extra services we’ll be able to offer thanks to your generosity.
Donating your vehicle to the Ed Brown Center may be the perfect answer for you without it costing you anything out of pocket. When it’s time to give up your keys, donating your car to EBC will give you tax benefits and support our services to the community.
We encourage you to explore these and other planned giving arrangements with your financial advisor. If you have questions, or want more detailed information on how your planned gift can help the Ed Brown Senior Center at Rancho Bernardo, please contact us at 858-487-9324.