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Wednesday, October 2, 2019

9:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m.


The Ed Brown Center for Active Adults, is proud to announce a new lifeMATTERS Symposium for 2019. Titled “Say NO to Isolation,” the program features a wide variety of vendors, health screenings, presentations by medical experts and a free lunch for attendees, and will address the serious situation facing seniors in our community who are unable to interact with others due to failing health, lack of transportation, lack of funds, depression, poor nutrition and a host of other reasons — and how Ed Brown Center can help.

We invite you to join us from 9:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. Wednesday, October 2. Information on sponsorships and/or becoming a vendor to showcase what you do to members of Inland North County may be accessed below.

The Ed Brown Center, located in beautiful Rancho Bernardo Community Park, serves Inland North County and offers more than 30 classes and activities each week, including HICAP and legal counseling, fitness programs, support groups, Bingo, art classes, dance, discussion groups, special events, table games, readers theater, computer classes and more. In addition, we provide space for town hall meetings, seminars and workshops for local nonprofit and civic groups. And we do this with an all-volunteer staff.

We hope you will decide to join us on this inspirational day, and meet our members and guests — some of the most active and engaged seniors you will ever meet!

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